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Water is vital to our health and well-being. At The Pure Water People, we’re all about helping you and your family to stay hydrated by providing the best quality drinking water. 
Here’s something to think about; everything we consume, from food to beverages (even the clothes we wear) comes with an ingredients list. A big exception to this is our tap water! Even commercial bottled water has an ingredient list on it – this will included the various minerals the brand in question is boasting (there’s more to water than meets the eye) - but our tap water doesn’t. 
This is why we pride ourselves in including the highest quality drinking systems in our water treatment family, to bring you great tasting, healthy water and the peace of mind that comes with it! And the new addition to the PWP family, the Kinetico K5 Pure+ does exactly that! 

Perfect mineral water – straight from your tap! 

Many of us in the UK want to drink a better quality of water. Bottled water is a billion-pound industry here (it was worth £1.6 billion in 2019, for example). And it’s no wonder, considering how much of the stuff we get through in a year! As a country, we consumed around 2.5 billion litres of bottled water in 2021 alone
It goes to show that we care about good quality hydration and convenience – so why not bring that to your tap at home? 
Cut out the cost of bottled water, replacement filters for your jug and the single use plastics with the Kinetico K5 Pure +. 
The Kinetico K5 pure+ is customisable to suit your needs. It comes equipped with three fixed filters: 
The Pre-filter, which can not only remove chlorines and chloramines, but sediment particles as small as 1/16th the width of a human hair! 
The Reverse Osmosis (RO) filter, a semi permeable membrane that will remove any inorganic compounds from the drinking water supply. 
The Post Filter, which removes any organic compounds from the water. 
There are also slots for other filters, such as a remineralisation cartridge and various other filters – all depending on your requirements! These can also changed and altered at any time! 
Bringing perfect, luxuriously filtered and remineralised water to your home is a reality thanks to the K5 Pure+; no more buying bottled water, no more buying replacement filters for your filter jug and no more worry about water
The healthiest and best tasting water for you and your family, keeping you hydrated and providing you better tasting water for cooking (and even a perfect cup of tea or coffee) is only a click away
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