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 Kinetico K5 Pure+ 

Get Bottled Quality Water Without the Bottle or the Bother! 
The K5 Pure+ drinking water system tucks neatly under your sink and dispenses a constant supply of delicious water through a custom tap. 
Perfectly pure water but with all the good minerals added back in. The K5 Pure+ Water Filter will remove all the impurities from your tap water. It also comes with a dedicated mineral plus filter, ensuring all the good minerals are put back in. 
The K5 Pure+ is included with some of our whole house water treatment packages, but can also be purchased and installed as a stand alone drinking water treatment system, if having pure mineral water from your tap is your main prioirity. 
System Features 
Mineral Plus 
Reverse Osmosis 
Customisable, multi-stage filtration 
Delicious Tasting Water and Food 
Independently certified 
Purer Water than Bottled and Jug Filters 
H 483mm x W 150mm x D 394mm; Tank: Diameter 220mm x H 462mm 
Pure Water People turn ordinary water into extraordinary water . . . 

Taste the Difference 

Mineral Plus 

This new innovation on the Kinetico K5 Pure Plus adds beneficial minerals, such as calcium, to your drinking water and enhances the taste of your purified water. 

Reverse Osmosis 

The K5 Pure Plus uses the RO filtering process where water is pushed through a semi permeable membrane to trap contaminants to produce clean, crystal clear, delicious tasting drinking water. 

Delicious Tasting Water and Food 

Filtered water from the K5 Pure Plus is ideal for preparing delicious tasting food; perfect for cooking pasta, washing and preparing fruits and vegetables, or any recipe that calls for water. 


How long a filter cartridge will last depends on your drinking water usage. An average family of four with average drinking water use can expect the cartridge to last approximately nine months to one year, producing approximately 1,800 litres of pure remineralised drinking water. When the filters are exhausted you will notice a significant drop in flow from your drinking system. Kinetico recommends annual cartridge replacements which the Pure Water People will carry out on your behalf during an annual service of your water treatment system. 


When you purchase a system from the Pure Water People, we provide a complete service, including the suppy and installation of your system along with a clear demonstration from our engineer to ensure you get the most from your water treatment system. 
When you purchase a K5 drinking system from us we always include a Mineral Plus flex filter as standard.  
A Purefecta Biofilter is an optional upgrade offering 99.99% protection against bacteria and viruses and we recommend this for use on private water supplies.